It is weird how things work, the other day Danielle and I were talking how in the world are we going to be able to sell all of our stuff. We live in a homeowners association and of course do not allow garage sales. The alternative would be criagslist but listing everything with pictures, but would take forever. We were getting frustated and decided not to worry about it, so we just put it off to later date. Two days after we got a letter from the association management company. It was a notice about the semi -annual garage community garage sale and it will be on November 13,2010. Just two and half weeks way. It is weird and wonderful how He works in our life. With added vigor we dug into all the closets and downsized. It was wonderful to not worry about should we keep this or keep that. We just can't keep them, we intend to sell everything and not have storage except for keepsakes.
We have a couple reasons to move the departure date. The first is we got the notice about garage sale. The second is we got our new LOWER mortgage rate payment, which will allow us to rent out our home. I think renting out the house has comforted the boys a bit, knowing that we can always come back. Even if we don't. So the sooner we go the better. We plan on renting the house out beginning of January. We will of course stay in the southern california area for the first month, because you can't beat the weather. It will also enable us to work out the bugs running Danielle's business on the road.
Other than that we are hopeful for the future and continue to work on the home and rv.
Peace to all
Oct 30th - Still going strong
Here are some progress shots.
Teddy breaking in the new carpet!